Idea for reduce electricity for our PCs with solar modules

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Topic 202509

Dear all.

i write this only for information and idea. I think that most of you know this information but i want to write it. Sorry for my bad english.

All of us can reduce his electricity that is using for crunching BOINC projects via solar modules. There is suggestion from many manufactors for this. The idea is: put somewhere one or how many pv panels you can buy and put in your home or your place and connect them into microinverter or small on-grid inverter. This inverter is connected into your home electricity grid and when the sun shining and your pv panels produced electricity this will reduce your own consumption. For example: your home now consumption 1000W/h and you have installed 2pcs of 250Wp solar modules. This modules will produce for example about 2-4 kW for time between 8:00AM to 4-5:00 PM. This is different for different country and the seasons. This will reduce your daily energy consuymption with this producet electricity.

There is modules in market that allow directly connect into electricity grid in your home.

In my own situation i have installed 2pcs of 250Wp modules in my home and my pc when crunching cpu and gpu in the same time consumpt about 300W/h. My pv panels produced:

10:00AM - about 150-170W/h

12:00 - about 250-280W/h

between 12:00 and 15:00 - about 340W/h

after 15:00 they produced under 290W/h and going to 0W.

In my case the modules not perfect mounted but they work good. In marked have panels with power range between 250 and 380W.

In this moment in some countrys the pv panels are very cheap energy sorces and the investition is lowest and with this pv panels not only we reduce our own electricity consumption but we help for safe the Earth.
If someone needs help for chose of pv panels or more information can write me or write into this post.
Best regards for all of you.

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That would be nice. Some

That would be nice. Some others are probably in the same situation as me as I doubt my home owners association would allow for solar panels to be installed even on the back of my roof. :(

Elon Musk has the right idea with the solar roof shingles as a way to enter a larger market, get the price down and continue to grow the market. Prices are still a bit prohibitive for an entire roof of solar shingles with the battery pack, etc. So they must be made to look nice to the well-to-do people will install them and thus allow for prices to come down with scale. He did the same with his Tesla cars.

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My idea i to have not battery

My idea i to have not battery pack. The idea is grid connected system with direct connected inverter/micro inverter into your own electricity home grid. And to use the produced electricity direct for your needs. Yes there is new ideas for roof but this is different for different houses and places.

The system with battery is higher price than without battery.

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I'm guessing the reason for a

I'm guessing the reason for a battery pack is to save the extra power generated by the entire roof covered in solar shingles instead of several panels. If the wattage generated is less than the wattage used by the house a batter would not be needed. For non-BOINC people there's probably not a lot of electricity used during the day (assuming family is at work/school) besides heating/cooling + refrigerator and a solar roof could produce more power than needed.

I have an end unit townhouse style condo so there's not a whole lot of roof area. I probably wouldn't need a battery with several GPUs running. :D If I ever bought a house that wasn't covered in shade, the solar roof shingles would be put on when a replacement roof is needed.

How much were your solar panels + installation and how much does it save on your electricity bill?

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In Bulgaria  my solar modules

In Bulgaria  my solar modules was and are with big prices and for now i do not save very much money but..... for both modules and both inverters before 2 years i spend about 600-700 euro for all components. Now they are chepaer but again about 500-550 euro maybe. From grid i buy 1kWh electricity for around 0.10 euro. And for one month my both pannels produced between 28 and 35 kW because one of my pannels is mount on 90 degrees and not in 32-35 degrees. If both modules was put on best 32-35 degrees for one month i will produce about 50-60 kW. This is good for me and for now because i help a little for save the Earth and reduce a little my electricity bill.

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