Einstein won't run on my PC anymore

Joined: 15 Jan 06
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Topic 193323

A week or so ago, I noticed credits going down for Einstein on one of my PC's. I also run QMC and SETI and these work fine. When I checked my CPU performance, I could see that no work was being done by the CPU when Einstein was "running". The PC at issue has been running everything just fine for the last couple years; it has an Athlon 64 X2 4400+ CPU, and I let it run projects on both cores at 100%. Anyone else having this issue?

Joined: 15 Jan 06
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Einstein won't run on my PC anymore

Oops! I withdraw my question. I just updated my graphics driver, and everything seems to be working fine again!

Joined: 15 Jan 06
Posts: 3
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It's me again. No, it wasn't

It's me again. No, it wasn't the graphics driver. I finally traced the problem to a bad memory module, which was starting to cause other problems in my system, like system file corruption. With my BOINC projects, it was really causing problems because I'm set up to suspend projects to RAM. I'm now back in business with one good memory stick. If anyone else starts seeing "client error" or "compute error" in their results, I'd advise you to check out your system for memory problems if you have BOINC set up to suspend projects to RAM.

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