which linux version can i use for best,can somebody tell.

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RE: I'm pulling my hair out

Message 74990 in response to message 74989

I'm pulling my hair out trying to get BOINC installed on SUSE Linux, I need a noob dufus guide. I try to create a directory like /home/boinc or /var/lib/boinc per one of the "guides" I've found and get access denied. :(

I am using ~/BOINC. I simply download the *.sh file in my home directory and execute it. SuSE 10.1, BOINC 5.10.21, Einstein, SETI and QMC.
My CPU is an old PII Deschutes, slow but safe. No errors of any kind.

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RE: I'm pulling my hair out

Message 74991 in response to message 74989

I'm pulling my hair out trying to get BOINC installed on SUSE Linux, I need a noob dufus guide. I try to create a directory like /home/boinc or /var/lib/boinc per one of the "guides" I've found and get access denied. :(

Errr... Is that why there are no viruses on Linux? :-p

More seriously, there's a number of ways you can install and run Boinc depending on what and how you want to have it run.

One walk-through guide is:

Installing The BOINC Client Software on Linux

As to how to start it automatically... Ask again if stuck.

(And I wonder what happened to the package install of Boinc... Any others beyond just the one for Ubuntu?)

Happy crunchin',

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RE: (And I wonder what

Message 74992 in response to message 74991


(And I wonder what happened to the package install of Boinc... Any others beyond just the one for Ubuntu?)

Happy crunchin',

Nope. It's a policy change. But after soft linking a couple libs it runs on my Fedora 7 box. There was just a post on the BOINC forums that it won't run on Fedora 8, but I'm not sure if he's talking about .21 or .28 as I haven't looked since this morning.

As for me, I'll do what's needed to get the manager to run. I need my pretty GUI.

The guide I followed is pretty noob friendly.

Kathryn :o)

Einstein@Home Moderator

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RE: As to how to start it

Message 74993 in response to message 74991

As to how to start it automatically... Ask again if stuck.

Ok, after many postings over at the TFFE forum, I finally got it installed and running, including getting the bypass on the xlib.lock that SuSe 10.3 needed.

My problem now is that BOINC only runs if I have the BOINC Manager on screen (or minimized.) When I close the manager (by hitting the "X" in the corner), everything stops. I need some step by step instructions on getting it to start automatically and stay going. I've read through the guides (the Unofficial Wiki's Linux install and the one on spy-hill.com. Through the latter one, there is detailed script but looks like some adjustments need to be made to it for my particular distro. Plus I'm unclear to me on how to even start or place the script.

I'm wondering now if I should have gone with a different distro such as Debian that already has BOINC packages that can be easily installed. BOINC installation in SuSe (or Linux in general it seems) is not for someone who has very limited computer knowledge and is trying to wean off the MS Window boob.

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: My problem now is that

Message 74994 in response to message 74993

My problem now is that BOINC only runs if I have the BOINC Manager on screen (or minimized.) When I close the manager (by hitting the "X" in the corner), everything stops....

Don't use the manager to start BOINC. If you change directory to wherever you have BOINC installed and issue the following shell command, BOINC will start in the background as a daemon and be quite independent of the Manager.

./boinc --daemon --allow_remote_gui_rpc

The first flag starts BOINC just like a Windows service, whilst the second flag is only necessary if you wish to use a remote Manager to access the local BOINC.

You can stop the BOINC daemon at any time by going to the BOINC directory and issuing the shell command

./boinc_cmd --quit

You can set up both commands in simple shell scripts with a little bit of extra intelligence if you wish and put links to the scripts on your desktop. You can then start and stop BOINC whenever you want by clicking the appropriate link. I have two scripts that I regularly use listed below. One of these days I'll get around to making them a bit more intelligent.

# Start BOINC as a daemon
if [ -x /home/gary/BOINC/boinc
( cd /home/gary/BOINC; ./boinc --daemon --allow_remote_gui_rpc ) &

# Stop the running BOINC daemon
/home/gary/BOINC/boinc_cmd --quit

To start BOINC automatically as a daemon when you boot your system, you need to investigate where startup commands live on your particular Linux. On mine (PCLinuxOS 2007 - which is excellent for Windows refugees) there is a local startup script stub called rc.local which lives in /etc/rc.d/ and whose final comment says something like

# Description: This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts.
# You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't
# want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.

This looked like a pretty useful invitation so I added

if [ -x /home/gary/BOINC/boinc ]
echo "Starting Boinc in 20 seconds ..."
( cd /home/gary/BOINC; sleep 20; sudo -u gary ./boinc --daemon --allow_remote_gui_rpc ) &

The 20 second delay was because BOINC was actually getting started before the network was fully up and hence was complaining about no network. 20 seconds has solved that on about 50 different machines so I haven't even bothered to find a more elegant solution :). Also, the sudo here is to stop the BOINC daemon being run as root.

I hope some of this may be helpful to you until someone else comes along with more elegant solutions :). The spy-hill one you linked to is obviously the ultimate in elegance but you need to be a guru in shell scripting to understand the full implications of all that elegance :).

EDIT: Hopefully you'll realise that you have to replace my hard-coded BOINC directory location with whatever is appropriate for your situation.


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RE: RE: My problem now is

Message 74995 in response to message 74994

My problem now is that BOINC only runs if I have the BOINC Manager on screen (or minimized.) When I close the manager (by hitting the "X" in the corner), everything stops....

Don't use the manager to start BOINC. If you change directory to wherever you have BOINC installed and issue the following shell command, BOINC will start in the background as a daemon and be quite independent of the Manager.

./boinc --daemon --allow_remote_gui_rpc

The first flag starts BOINC just like a Windows service, whilst the second flag is only necessary if you wish to use a remote Manager to access the local BOINC.

Very nice, thank you very much. I used that command (minus the remote) and that appears to do the trick. I'll try to implement some more of what you posted (that I edited out for this post) when I get some more time available. I had just got started on reading a .pdf called "Complete Idiots Guide To Linux" (383 pg.) when I decided to take a look and see if anyone had taken pity on me and had tried to throw me a lifeguard ring...

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RE: Very nice, thank you

Message 74996 in response to message 74995


Very nice, thank you very much. I used that command (minus the remote) and that appears to do the trick. I'll try to implement some more of what you posted (that I edited out for this post) when I get some more time available. I had just got started on reading a .pdf called "Complete Idiots Guide To Linux" (383 pg.) when I decided to take a look and see if anyone had taken pity on me and had tried to throw me a lifeguard ring...

Is that posted somewhere online available to the General Public? There's probably a few other C-I's out here besides myself that could use a link to such a guide.

Seti Classic Final Total: 11446 WU.

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RE: RE: Very nice, thank

Message 74997 in response to message 74996


Very nice, thank you very much. I used that command (minus the remote) and that appears to do the trick. I'll try to implement some more of what you posted (that I edited out for this post) when I get some more time available. I had just got started on reading a .pdf called "Complete Idiots Guide To Linux" (383 pg.) when I decided to take a look and see if anyone had taken pity on me and had tried to throw me a lifeguard ring...

Is that posted somewhere online available to the General Public? There's probably a few other C-I's out here besides myself that could use a link to such a guide.

Here you go: portal.aauj.edu/portal_resources/downloads/operating_system/complete_idiots_guide_to_linux.pdf

It is based off of Caldera OpenLinux with KDE.

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RE: RE: RE: Very nice,

Message 74998 in response to message 74997


Very nice, thank you very much. I used that command (minus the remote) and that appears to do the trick. I'll try to implement some more of what you posted (that I edited out for this post) when I get some more time available. I had just got started on reading a .pdf called "Complete Idiots Guide To Linux" (383 pg.) when I decided to take a look and see if anyone had taken pity on me and had tried to throw me a lifeguard ring...

Is that posted somewhere online available to the General Public? There's probably a few other C-I's out here besides myself that could use a link to such a guide.

Here you go: portal.aauj.edu/portal_resources/downloads/operating_system/complete_idiots_guide_to_linux.pdf

It is based off of Caldera OpenLinux with KDE.

Thanks for the link... It timed out on me, so they may be down for maintenance over the weekend. I'll try again later.

Seti Classic Final Total: 11446 WU.

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