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Quote: Lets face it there arent many that are gonna show gravity waves. Im sure it will be checked, double checked and...
2nd July 2006
Quote: As long as both std. app and the optimized app. produces exactly the SAME results, i don't see any reason to...
1st July 2006
Brian commented on Optomized S5 SSE3
Quote:Quote:That's certainly been my experience with the S5 WUs so far. Previously my Macs would get anything between...
30th June 2006
Brian commented on Optomized S5 SSE3
Quote: Stick has a good point, we deserve an explanation direct from the source. BOINC applications do not seem to...
30th June 2006
Bruce was pretty close on the cost estimate for the USA. After checking my last power bill, my charge per kWh is about...
22nd June 2006