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Quote:With Primegrid, Leiden, and TANPAKU it does not claim ZERO credits, but its "credit correction" is to Claim *...
26th June 2006
Quote:DocMaboul, I've tested and the report should be in your e-mail inbox. Hope it helps...hope it's not CPU serial...
26th June 2006
Quote:Just a quick notice... 6/22/2006 9:55:13 PM||Starting BOINC client version 5.4.9 for windows_intelx86 6/22/2006...
23rd June 2006
You could disable this in bs.ini (auto_update=FALSE).
20th June 2006
Quote:Quote: It may come from md5s computations. GUI asks for them when a "refresh" occurred (triggered by a...
6th June 2006