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Quote:Hmm, I don't think that deciding based on CPU name is a good idea. [..skip..] the project has just started. I...
9th March 2016
Quote:I'm curious, what are the criteria when deciding what is a fast host ? See debug. i[57][- ]| E[38]| E5-1...
9th March 2016
can write a small proxy? which will only store your files (h *, l *) and description (). intercepts the packet to the...
11th April 2011
In my town 1,4 RUB/kWh = ~0,035 EUR/kWh ... Welcome to Russia ;)
21st March 2011
My previous app_info (GC S5HF for CPU (SSE2) + 3 BRP3 cuda (1.04 + 1.05)) is working. But the scheduler gives WU for 1.04...
7th January 2011