Recent posts

I am (very) late to BOINC, so I have missed all  the backstory, especially around the Theory of Points.  I do see there is...
5th July 2021
Tullio, I'm not certain how virtual box works, but you may want to check your linux c runtime libraries.  The project...
1st July 2021
As I suspected, overnight several more CPU tasks were downloaded into cache but never run.  So time to crawl through the...
1st July 2021
Yikes, returned to it sitting here doing nothing.  I had suspended several GPU tasks.  Settings are 100% processors, 100%...
1st July 2021
I started running a GPU project (GRPBS1) and it ran fine for a few days.  Since I have a ATI 6900 card, I adjusted the...
30th June 2021