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KSMarksPsych commented on TLTP #48
I'll take a glass of ice tea please.  There is no a/c at work (well there is but it doesn't work) and I'm hot.
25th July 2018
KSMarksPsych commented on TLTP #48
We had a down pour today.  Luckily is was after bringing in the kids from the playground.  Even better it passed before I...
24th July 2018
KSMarksPsych commented on TLTP #48
I'm just sitting here eating a bowl of cherries and waiting for today's writing paper to print out.  I don't understand it,...
9th July 2018
KSMarksPsych commented on TLTP #48
Just for Annie...   *hug*   /me pops in /me pops out
7th July 2018
*grumble grumble*  You woke me up.
20th May 2018