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 . . For the last hour I  have not been able to report completed work and get more tasks.  I am getting the error "Cannot...
26th May 2020
 . . For the last hour I  have not been able to report completed work and get more tasks.  I am getting the error "Cannot...
26th May 2020
 Hi Ian,  . . That would explain several things, firstly why I had such erratic results with GW tasks when I first...
11th May 2020
 . . Ruh Roh!  . . I changed one rig over to GW tasks but something got all twisted up and they all bombed out so I...
10th May 2020
   . . Thanks Keith,  . . But that is what surprises me.  All my cards are Pascal or older yet the 1050 is running...
10th May 2020