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Hardsolder some nickles and dimes on some bolts. At night screw them on the boardwalk across the street into the asphalt,...
20th June 2006
Solder an IR-Laserdiode in a universal remote control. Now you are able to control your nearest neighbors TV habits and...
20th June 2006
Thank you for your reply ! But it doesn't help. I run boincclient with --no_Gui_rpc option in the commandline. I have...
16th June 2006
Hi. Today i tried the new Boincclient on my Kubuntu 5.10 system. When i try to run the Boincmanager there were problems...
16th June 2006
Quote:Be sure and dry a wet cat in the microwave. I have done as you have suggested, but there seems to be a...
9th June 2006