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Your Nvidia gpu's require the attnetion of a full cpu core for each task run on your gpu's, so 2 tasks on each card will...
23rd February 2019
Jim1348 wrote:I wouldn't do it.  Unless you need the double-precision (as on Milky Way), I would wait for Navi. https://...
14th February 2019
I too have made a 'pre order' purchase but have no eta for delivery. Given the current limited UK stocking levels it could...
11th February 2019
Gary. Thank you for taking the time to explain in a much clearer way than I did. You are a true gent!  I particularly liked...
31st January 2019
Hi John, The current number 4 machine is mine and I can assure you it is an i5 4core/4thread processor with 8GB of ram....
26th January 2019