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27/03/2018 16:41:40 | Einstein@Home | Scheduler request failed: Server returned nothing (no headers, no data) 27/03/2018 16:...
27th March 2018
I have been re-trying but still have 1 to upload. I haven't received any downloads for 9 hours but I have a cache of 7.5...
8th January 2015
I had 12 to upload. 2 have worked. 10 still to go. Give them a chance to catch up. If they could clear backlogs...
8th January 2015
Switched to "Allow new tasks" and all reported and new tasks downloaded. The problem seems to be linked to the "No new...
9th October 2014
08/10/2014 23:03:09 | Einstein@Home | Scheduler request failed: HTTP file not found I now have 13 units waiting to...
9th October 2014