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Quote:Quote:... Note that testing the 6.10 S5R4 App is actually testing the code we will use for S5R5 (in fact the "...
1st January 2009
Quote:Quote:After this new SSE2 executable is tested some, what are the prospects for making it the stock application...
31st December 2008
Quote:Sorry I found a flaw in the SSE2 part of the App (only) that leads to occasional invalid results (thanks again,...
31st December 2008
Quote:I have come to the conclusion that all the integrated 'do-all' security packages are more of a PITA than they...
29th December 2008
Quote:Quote:Quote:How're the older merlin/morgaine clusters doing now? Steffen Grunewald that's not really what i...
28th December 2008