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Reviewing the firewall rules established on my system, I've noticed that hsgamma_FGRP1_0.23_windows_intelx86.exe has...
10th January 2012
What I've done is create a file-group: BOINC_Projects. The file-group consists of: C:\Boinc_Data\projects\*\* C:\...
3rd December 2011
Professor Ray started discussion symbols folder
I gots these folders: C:\BOINC_Data\projects\einstein.phys.uwm.edusymbols and C:\BOINC_Data\projects\einstein....
2nd December 2011
91 C. Deg. is just too high. You should check the thermal-interface for proper contact. You should clean the CPU...
12th October 2010
Given the dynamic nature of BOINC projects, i.e., multiple clients that may be viable depending on the science that is...
24th September 2010