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Quote:Quote:Thanks I've aborted all tasks & detached E@H from BAM for the time being. I now have 19 tasks showing...
23rd April 2011
Thanks Gary. All tasks returned on the 23rd were the 8 tasks I was referring to in my earlier post. I still can't...
23rd April 2011
Quote:Quote:Thanks so does this mean that if I let Boinc automatically report tasks will get more on it's own accord?...
23rd April 2011
Quote:Yes, resending lost tasks seems to be independent of NNT. Gruß, Gundolf Thanks so does this mean that if I...
23rd April 2011
When the new CUDA app comes out will it's CPU usage be refined a little eg using 0.5 CPU or will CUDA require 1 CPU (core...
6th December 2010