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Quote:I have to admit that the current official Solaris App is indeed somewhat slow. I just wanted you to know that...
26th April 2006
Quote:If your system can run linux/bsd apps there's a beta client available than runs ~1.8x as fast as the standard...
23rd April 2006
I wan't to crunch einstein@home with my Ultra 30 (with a Ultra Sparc II 300 MHz CPU). How long are the typical crunching...
23rd April 2006
I wan't to crunch einstein@home with my Ultra 30 (with a Ultra Sparc II 300 MHz CPU). How long are the typical crunching...
14th April 2006
Quote:We had two people working on a Solaris port, but they stopped their work without having finished it (for...
18th September 2005